

Dear readers,


Welcome on the Cigar Society website!

Feel free to become active member of our Cigar Society by subscribing and browse the newest articles, in quest for new knowledge, new tips, or new ideas about the Cigar World.

By editing the JOURNAL of the CIGAR SOCIETY, our objective it to promote Cigar Culture genuinely and impartially.

Through (1) reception of attractive and quality contributions (in the form of articles), (2) smart classification of our contents, and (3) collaborative reading, we want to create an open platform of knowledge for Cigar Culture.

Everyone is welcome to send us articles. We look forward to it!

All texts will be considered for publication if they present any interesting information to the development of our common Passion. We accept from the simplest to the most complex texts. The contributions only have to respect certain policy and presentation rules. Before publication, the submitted articles will go through the editorial process.

For more details you can also print our full presentation of initial statements, EDITOR, Initial Statements, Journal of the Cigar Society, 1-3.

Receive and give, give and receive. Thus, both the production and the appreciation of Cigars become a genuine school of life. Where there is sensitivity, there is quality. Where there is love, there is beauty.

Please share your experiences and contribute to the Cigar Society. Become an author!

Everyone has something special.

Warm regards.

Didier H.